Tuesday 25 August 2020

Gaming and Staying Home

Video games have always been a great source of entertainment and a way of passing leisure time to me. I was always fascinated by the concept and creativity and this has been inspiring too. But today, let’s talk about just passing time, since we have quite a lot during these stay home period. If you are a video game enthusiast or follow gaming in general, you might have come across the meme that says gamers are always in quarantine mode, that is true. Gamers usually sit in front of their gaming setup and can spend hours without going outside, which is a plus one as you are not just sitting around and thinking what is there to do.

Video Games all day

I’m not going to talk about gaming the entire day and wasting your valuable time. Gaming is a source of entertainment and remembers, entertainment should be only a part of your day. Of course you can take an entire day off your regular productivity work and spend it playing games but this also should not happen every day. When you are playing games, you are basically doing it for fun, there is very little productive coming out of it. You should focus more on productivity or creative works rather than on entertainment.

Making new friends

Gaming now is not just limited to locking yourself down alone in your room and have fun. The world is connected now thanks to the wide use of internet and the internet getting fast. Video games are now way more interactive and cooperative. This allows players to build new community, make new friends and lead a team. And what’s better during this locked down period then making new connections and having fun time with existing playmates?

Choosing your game

Not everyone will love the way videogames work. Even if you like games, you sure like some of them and not all. For example, sports games like FIFA or NBA are great way of playing in a team and having a great time but I usually don’t like them. I prefer shooting, adventures, battle royals.

Now is the best time

Game publishers are introducing new games this season. After 7 years of its’ announcement, Cyberpunk is finally releasing this year. Ubisoft is also full with new Assassin’s Creed and Far Cry, and their new battle royal HyperSpace. All the existing games are crowded with players around the world, isn’t it the perfect time to try these new adventures? Even if someone doesn’t like playing online or with friends, its also the best time to revisit some retro memories.

Platform doesn’t matter

Mobile, PC, console- doesn’t really matter. Video games are made for entertainment purposes, and they are made for multiple platforms out there. I game on PC but at the same time, I find myself spending a lot of time in mobile games because they are fun too. Start with what you have. Mobile games offer some unique experience as this platform is easily accessible to all. Don’t like all those intense shooting or racing? Try board games, card games or just arcade games. Try some puzzles, science games. Options are limitless and there is always something for everyone.

I’ll be sharing about the games I’m playing this season soon.

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